Workshop | Butoh

Workshop de Butoh por Gyohei Zaitsu

Informações Úteis

Programa: O workshop será dado em inglês com tradução directa e consistirá de uma introdução ao movimento butoh no dia 17 e trabalho intensivo de pesquisa técnica e criativa, nos restantes dias. Propondo cerca de 6 a 7 horas de trabalho diário, haverá uma pausa de 30 a 60 m, de acordo com as necessidades do grupo e os exercícios propostos.


Sexta, 17 Set. das 19h às 22h

Sábado 18 e Domingo 19 Set. das 12h às 18h/19h

Local: Lisboa

Inscrições limitadas a um máximo de 12 participantes

A quem se destina: a todos os interessados, Bailarinos e não bailarinos com ou sem experiência em Dança Butoh.

Valor: Até 6 de Setembro – 80€ depois de 6 de Setembro – 100€ (50% no acto da inscrição + 50% no 1º dia do workshop)

"Butoh Dance Research Workshop

Butoh is an avant-garde dance movements born in late 50's in Japan. The founders of Butoh like Tatsumi Hijikata or Kazuo Ohno focused on the abandoned part (dark side) of our body in the process of their work.

They considered that all the movements treated as "negative" elements could be included in the dance. Such as madness, illness, awkwardness, weakness, foolishness, chaos, sexuality, perversion, nothingness, e.t.c.

Through the movements of the dancing body, they made a research about the relationship between the body and natural phenomenon, life and death, soul and body, order and chaos, purity and dirt, humanity and non-humanity, reality and imagination, visibles and invisibles, daily life movements and dance, holiness and banality, e.t.c.

In the workshop, we will make a research with our own body inspired by their point of view on the human body and on the relationship between the body and its environment.

Each participant will observe his own body as a unique space of laboratory where any kind of movements can happen and go through.

I hope that we can touch the mystery of our being through the dance and that a new Butoh dance will be born through our actions.”

Gyohei Zaitsu

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